Saturday 19 April 2014

How To Be A Hacker : Only 3 steps

The steps that need to be taken to become a hacker are not easy. This article will give you few of the most important steps essential to be a hacker. The article will focus on skills and attitude that is required to become a hacker. Breaking the security system and entering into the system is not the only thing a hacker does. A relentless attitude and pristine skill-sets are two cornerstones for being a master hacker.

Knowledge of wide variety of computer science topics is required, however knowing things at great depth is the key to a hackers success. Therefore having a positive attitude toward learning is essential in the journey of learning to become a hacker.

Below are the steps I think will teach you how to be a hacker:

Step 1 : Programming

if you want to be a great hacker you should to know a lot of  programming languages. like C++ , C , JavaScript , batch, python and more ...
all these Programming Languages make understand the best method to deal
with it .do you know that more than 80% of the viruses and Trojans in the world was based by one of these languages .so all that's give an importance to this step .

Step 2 : Tools and Software

before to be hacker you should have advanced hardware To make your work simple and easy but it doesn't mean that you can't hack with old version of hardware.

also you will need to download some hacking tools, or you can install Kali Linux, in your Laptop as a Opening System it has all the tools that you will need in our tutorials .

Step 3 : Make your Experience

this domain is basing about something called '' The experience '' so to get
this thing you must focus in our Tutorial and always Try  and Try and Try
Thats make you understand more and help you to innovate in Hackers Domain . and be yourself not like others.

that's all there's no more thing. always believe that when you
get these 3 step you will be a Great Hacker .


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